Bilim Akademisi Yılın Konferansı 2022: SEYLA BENHABİB
Bilim Akademisi 2016 yılından beri her yıl düzenlediği Yılın Konferansında bu yıl Seyla Benhabib’i ağırlıyor.
“The Idea of Sovereignty from Thomas Hobbes to Hannah Arendt and Carl Schmitt”
Seyla Benhabib
17 Aralık 2022, Cumartesi saat 17:00
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“The Idea of Sovereignty from Thomas Hobbes to Hannah Arendt and Carl Schmitt”
Sovereignty is a seminal concept in modern political thought, migrating from the absolutist vision of Thomas Hobbes in his Leviathan of 1651 to Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s work a century later in The Social Contract. With Rousseau’s work sovereignty assumes its central place …