Fragile but Resilient? Turkish Electoral Dynamics, 2002-2015 Ali Çarkoğlu ve Ersin Kalaycıoğlu Yayınevinden satın almak için tıklayınız. Ersin Kalaycıoğlu and Ali Çarkoğlu, who conducted surveys comparable to the American National Election Survey for the 2002 and 2015 national elections in Turkey, chart the dynamics that brought the pro-Islamist conservative Justice and Development Party (Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi-AKP) to power in 2002, and that continue to influence electoral politics. The authors trace the uneven course of democratization in Turkey, as revealed through elections, since the first competitive, multi-party elections in 1950. Since the market liberalization reforms of 1980, Turkey has been rapidly evolving from a closed, agricultural, comparatively underdeveloped polity into an open and industrial state primarily integrated with the global economy. Kalaycıoğlu and Çarkoğlu analyze different dimensions of five elections surveys in 2002-2015 period to show how the consequent socio-economic changes and traditional socio-cultural divisions have affected elections, political parties, and individual voters. The authors conclude that the historical-cultural divide between rural, peripheral, conservative groups and more urban, centrist, and modernized groups not only persists but shapes elections more than ever. This book not only provides an original comprehensive and critical evaluation of the Turkish electoral and party politics, it also offers a case study of voting behavior in a state undergoing both democratization and market liberalization in a rapidly changing and volatile international environment. Yılı: 2021 Yayınevi: The University of Michigan Press ISBN: 9780472132430 Genişlik: 15 Yükseklik: 23 *The University of Michigan Press WEB Sitesi'nden alınmıştır.
Türkiye’de Seçimler ve Seçmen Tercihleri – Prof. Dr. Ersin Kalaycıoğlu
Bilim Akademisi Konferansları – 96 Türkiye'de Seçimler ve Seçmen Tercihleri Konuşmacı: ERSİN KALAYCIOĞLU Tarih: 19 Ekim 2022 Çarşamba 18:30
Pandemi Sonrası Demokrasi ve Hukuk Devleti -Bilim Akademisi Webinarı
Bilim Akademisi Webinarları Pandemi Sonrası Demokrasi ve Hukuk Devleti Konuşmacılar: Yeşim Atamer, Ali Çarkoğlu, Bertil Emrah Oder, Ersin Kalaycıoğlu. Tarih: 24 Haziran 2020 Çarşamba 21:00
Türkiye’de Politik Değişim ve Modernleşme
Osmanlı Politik Sisteminde Varoluş Mücadelesi: Modernleşme ve Politik Değişim Şerif Mardin, İlber Ortaylı Makaleleri Politik Değişim Sürecinin Yapısal ve İdeolojik Görüntüsü Şerif Mardin, Niyazi Berkes, İlber Ortaylı, Ali Kazancıgil, Mehmet Ali Kılıçbay’a ait Makaleler
Turkish Democracy Today
Turkish Democracy Today Ersin Kalaycıoğlu Satın almak için tıklayınız. The experience of democracy in Turkey since its introduction in 1950 has been bloody, chequered but persistent. The complex cultural and economic stratification of Turkish society, together with its unique geopolitical status, straddling Eastern and Western zones of influence, in part accounts for the turbulence of Turkey's democratic experience. But, as this important new work argues, Turkish democracy has for too long been treated as a sui generis case, and been cut off from theoretical developments in psephology and comparative sociology. The authors seek to redress this, combining cutting-edge theory with in-depth empirical research to address the key issues in contemporary Turkish politics: the rise of democratic Islamist parties, and the implications of their ascendancy for political stability and democratic governance. They offer important conclusions on voter decision-making in Turkey, and provide a rigorous theoretical framework for identifying trends and anticipating future developments. Yayın Yılı: 2006 Yayınevi: IB Tauris ISBN: 9781845111854 Sayfa Sayısı: 256 *Pandora WEB Sitesi'nden alınmıştır.