Fragile but Resilient? Turkish Electoral Dynamics, 2002-2015 Ali Çarkoğlu ve Ersin Kalaycıoğlu Yayınevinden satın almak için tıklayınız. Ersin Kalaycıoğlu and Ali Çarkoğlu, who conducted surveys comparable to the American National Election Survey for the 2002 and 2015 national elections in Turkey, chart the dynamics that brought the pro-Islamist conservative Justice and Development Party (Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi-AKP) to power in 2002, and that continue to influence electoral politics. The authors trace the uneven course of democratization in Turkey, as revealed through elections, since the first competitive, multi-party elections in 1950. Since the market liberalization reforms of 1980, Turkey has been rapidly evolving from a closed, agricultural, comparatively underdeveloped polity into an open and industrial state primarily integrated with the global economy. Kalaycıoğlu and Çarkoğlu analyze different dimensions of five elections surveys in 2002-2015 period to show how the consequent socio-economic changes and traditional socio-cultural divisions have affected elections, political parties, and individual voters. The authors conclude that the historical-cultural divide between rural, peripheral, conservative groups and more urban, centrist, and modernized groups not only persists but shapes elections more than ever. This book not only provides an original comprehensive and critical evaluation of the Turkish electoral and party politics, it also offers a case study of voting behavior in a state undergoing both democratization and market liberalization in a rapidly changing and volatile international environment. Yılı: 2021 Yayınevi: The University of Michigan Press ISBN: 9780472132430 Genişlik: 15 Yükseklik: 23 *The University of Michigan Press WEB Sitesi'nden alınmıştır.
Salgın Döneminde Toplum ve Sosyal Politika – Bilim Akademisi Webinarı
Bilim Akademisi Webinarları Salgın Döneminde Toplum ve Sosyal Politika Konuşmacılar: Ayşe Buğra, Deniz Kandiyoti, Çağlar Keyder, Erdem Yörük. Tarih: 22 Mayıs 2020 Cuma 21:00
Salgınının Ekonomik Etkileri ve Politika Önerileri- Bilim Akademisi Ekonomi Webinarı 2
Bilim Akademisi Ekonomi Webinarları – 02 Covid-19 Salgınının Ekonomik Etkileri ve Politika Önerileri Konuşmacılar: Ayşe İmrohoroğlu, Refet Gürkaynak, Erol Taymaz Tarih: 13 NİSAN 2020 Pazartesi 21:00
Covid-19 Salgınının Ekonomik Etkileri ve Politika Önerileri- Bilim Akademisi Ekonomi Webinarı
Bilim Akademisi Ekonomi Webinarları – 01 Covid-19 Salgınının Ekonomik Etkileri ve Politika Önerileri Konuşmacılar: Reyhan Küçükkaya, Şevket Pamuk, Erinç Yeldan, Kamil Yılmaz. Tarih: 10 NİSAN 2020 Cuma 21:00
Turkey and the European Union
Turkey and the European Union Satın almak için tıklayınız. These papers examine the history behind Turkey's application for EU membership. The contributors tackle the thorny issues of Cyprus, Turkey's attitude towards a common defence policy and Turkish parliamentarians' views on the nation's relations with the European Union. Introduction, Barry Rubin; chronology - Turkey's relations with the EU, Ozgul Erdemli; domestic politics, international norms and challenges to the state - Turkey-EU relations in the post-Helsinki era, Ziya Onis; towards a European security and defence policy - with or without Turkey?, Esra Cayhan; the Cyprus obstacle on Turkey's road to membership in the European Union, Semin Suvarierol; the question of asylum and illegal migration in European Union-Turkish relations, Kemal Kirisci; human rights, the European Union and the Turkish accession process, William Hale; the intellectual roots of anti-European sentiments in Turkish politics - the case of radical Turkish nationalism, Nergis Canefe and Tanil Bora; Turkey's slow EU candidacy - insurmountable hurdles to membership or simple Euro-skepticism?, Gamze Avci; who wants full membership? characteristics of Turkish public support for EU membership, Ali Carkoglu; Turkish parliamentarians' perspectives on Turkey's relations with the European Union, Lauren M. McLaren and Meltem Muftuler-Bac; implementing the economic criteria of EU membership - how difficult is it for Turkey?, Mine Eder; conclusion, Ali Carkoglu. Yılı: 2003 Yayınevi: Cass ISBN: 9780714654027 Sayfa Sayısı: 273 *Taylor & Francis eBooks WEB Sitesi'nden alınmıştır.